Tuesday, July 7, 2009

fight or flight

circumstances conspire to bring out the best and the worst in people. how we respond to it makes all the difference. our behavioral manifestations of fight-or-flight response indicate how we cope to maintain homeostasis or psychological equilibrium.
are you the aggressive/combative or the avoidant/withdrawn type?
either way, human’s responses to pain and stress are complex as both types have polarity. so whether we are fighting or fleeing, or both at the same time, the gist is we are responding and coping to stay sane.


I am a consummate liar. I believe we all are. One way or another, we try to hold on to something, like a thought or belief that will keep us sane. Selfish as we all are, we protect our sanity for survival. perhaps God made it part of our DNA. yeah, selfishness. Just as I was made to believe that God is love. The god who created the universe and everything in it, the god who could strike you with lightning anytime. The jealous god who wants to be worshipped and praised. Forgive my blasphemy. Being raised by my conservative and religious grandma, i know I shouldn't say these things. But as an advocate of free speech, I am entitled to my opinion. So if you don't like the sound of me, you know what to do. (Fuck off.)
Love, like politics and religion, my take on this is rather shallow, or narrow if it suits it. Loving is another twisted concept of lies and egoism. Why?because when we love or claim we do, we seek the good or aim for the good of that other person. And to some degree of madness, we tend to believe that seeking and aiming for the good of others is selflessness or an act under that category. Yeah, I guess anything that is not directed to the self is a form of selflessness. But beyond the common belief, loving is an action that is directed to the self, not to the recipient of that so-called feeling. Loving someone gives us a feeling of emotional security and satisfaction. It makes us feel good about ourselves. that "feel good" or gratified state is already in itself a form of selfishness. You give in to the feeling that meets your wants and needs. The feeling that even makes you deny your subconscious selfish motives.