Saturday, November 22, 2008

“for ME to be MORE CREATIVE, I am WAITING for…”

1. inspiration

2. the stakes to be higher
3. someone to change
4. my visa
5. my sister’s remittance
6. logic to prevail
7. wars to end
8. another disaster
9. a better shampoo
10. my self-esteem to be restored
11. another cup of coffee
12. a new chip for our magicmic
13. a cure for cancer
14. an obvious scapegoat
15. shorter lines at the grocery
16. Ashton Kutcher to divorce Demi Moore 
17. aches and pains to subside
18. “FRIENDS” (the comedy sitcom) to return… i miss Phoebe Buffay’s acoustic folksy stuff
  ”Smelly Cat” 
19. a miracle to happen
20. the stakes to be lower
21. proposals to turn down
22. Billy Joel to write and record new songs
23. a hearty meal
24. a good laugh
25. my CLONE
26. a skydive… or a bunjee jump
27. the psychopath in me to unleash
28. my alter ego
29. someone to be reading this
30. YOU to go FIRST.